
Provide a vibrant, safe and positive experience for visitors and workers in St Peters Quarter.

St Peters Quarter BID Rangers

As well as tackling ASB and crime issues, the St Peters Quarter Rangers continue to work on helping to promote the area, liaising with visitors on a daily basis, providing support for businesses and highlighting the benefits and opportunities which exist through BID projects and initiatives. The Rangers wear a distinctive green uniform and carry body worn cameras.

Storewatch Radio Scheme

St Peters Quarter businesses can benefit from joining the Storewatch Radio Scheme thanks to the funding secured in 2018 through the Police and Crime Commissioners Office.

The scheme enables businesses to report issues and to keep in contact with one another, the Rangers and other partners, thereby helping to make the area safe and inviting for all to enjoy.

Safer Neighbourhood Days

St Peters Quarter BID regularly organises Safer Neighbourhood Days in partnership with the Derby City Police Safer Neighbourhood Team.

Safer Neighbourhood Days provide an opportunity for businesses to engage with the Safer Neighbourhood Team officers, discuss issues and concerns and receive relevant advice and updates.

Tidy Days

The BID regularly organises Tidy Days in partnership with Streetpride at Derby City Council.

Wandsafe Scheme

The BID funded metal detecting wands for evening and night time economy businesses in the St Peters Quarter BID area as part of an initiative also involving Derby City Council, Derbyshire Constabulary and Pubwatch.

ATCM Puple Flag

The St Peters Quarter BID plays an integral role in ensuring that Derby retains its Purple Flag Accreditation, working with partner organisations and businesses to ensure the effective management of the night time economy. For more information on Purple Flag, please click here.

Floral Planters

St Peters Quarter BID funds floral planters which line the streets from late June to September. The planters run from St Peters Cross, along East Street, Exchange Street and Morledge, helping to decorate and brighten the streets during the summer months.


Visitor resources