This June, 30 brightly decorated Rams will be taking over the city centre for the Derby Ram Trail.
This is a hugely important event for the city of Derby and similar events in other cities have seen significant increases in footfall across the city centre, a greater spend in businesses, increased civic pride, and significant local, regional and national PR.
We are looking to co-ordinate a series of in-store events and offerings across the BID area to capitalise on the number of visitors to the area during the 10 weeks of the trail.
Some ideas we have come up with that your business could implement are as follows..
- Ram themed window displays
- Great British Baaaaake Off – Make a Ram Themed cake/Restaurants to come up with Ram themed dishes/Cookbook with Ram Themed recipes/Lamb dishes etc..
- Shops and restaurants to offer discount incentives for the 10 week run
- Ram themed workshops – instore craft events/doughnut/biscuit decorating etc…
The possibilities are endless and we would love to hear your ideas to help make this a successful summer for all.
To submit your ideas or to inform us of any plans you may have, please contact the BID office via email or call 01332 419050.