Join us for a monstrously super family day out in St Peters Quarter BID!

18 Aug 2020

10 monster superheroes have been spotted in these areas and it’s your job to find
them! Families in Derby are invited to take part in MonsterHero
Safari 2020, helping to bring family fun and entertainment back to the high street.

The hunt is on! Start the safari by finding any character, tapping their belly with
your smart device and off you go. Learn the names, stories and powers of all 10
cute and colourful MonsterHeroes to unlock your free ebook about their first
team-up adventure.

There is a nominal platform cost of [£2] per family taking part, with further
donations going to NHS Royal Derby Intensive Care Unit.

To take part simply:
1. Tap or scan any character or poster with your smart device and pay/
donate to start the game
2. Hunt down the monstrous superheroes
3. Learn their names, stories and powers by tapping with NFC or scanning
QR codes
4. When you’ve found them all you will unlock your very own ebook

To find out more information please go to:


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