The St Peters Quarter BID will be running an Easter Bunny Trail Competition Between Saturday 4th April 2020 and Sunday 19th April 2020. If your business would like to take part email the BID at before 5pm on Monday 23rd March 2020.
Information for businesses
- If you would like to get involved in the Easter Bunny Trail Competition you will need to place an A4 Poster in your window for the duration of the competition two weeks from Saturday 4th April 2020 and Sunday 19th April 2020.
- You will also need to place Participation forms in your business that members of the public can access.
- Posters and participation forms will be prepared and dropped off on Friday 3rd April 2020 by the St Peters Quarter Ranger team and they can help to affix the A4 Poster to your window.
- Participation forms will also be available on the St Peters Quarter BID website for people to download.
- The deadline for advising you would like to take part is 5pm on Monday 23rd March 2020. This is allow sufficient time for artwork to be prepared.
- If you would like to take part please email with your business name, primary contact name, telephone number and email address, and a member of the team will email you to confirm receipt, or speak to one of the BID Rangers.
- There will be prizes, vouchers for £30, £20 and £10 and the three winners to be spent in businesses located within the St Peters Quarter BID area. Businesses to be chosen by the winners.
- Deadline for entries to be received by BID Office is Friday 1st May 2020, and the draw will take place on Monday 4th May 2020. Participation entry forms can either be undertaken by post or a photo emailed to the St Peters Quarter BID email address. All this information will be included on the participation form.
- Full terms and conditions will be available on the Participation forms and available to download on the St Peters Quarter BID website.